18 January 2011

Redistribution licenses for the HuagatiEDMXTools.dll EDMX file object model

In an earlier blog post, Creating or modifying Entity Framework EDMX files from code: an introduction to HuagatiEDMXTools.dll, I wrote about the EDMX file wrapper that is used by the Huagati DBML/EDMX Tools add-in for parsing, updating, creating, and writing EDMX files. HuagatiEDMXTools adds an easy to use object model on top of EDMX files (see documentation at http://huagati.com/edmxtools/help ), making it a lot easier to create/read/update EDMX files, and to write LINQ queries against Entity Framework 4 metadata. It also has a number of built-in queries and lookup functions that make it a breeze to work with Entity Framework 4 EDMX files from code.

Previously, using the HuagatiEDMXTools runtime library required an end-user license for Huagati DBML/EDMX Tools. As of the latest version (v 2.20) this has been extended with a new redistributable license option, allowing third party applications to use and include HuagatiEDMXTools.

Redistribution licenses are divided into three categories:

  • Non-development tool license: allows redistribution of HuagatiEDMXTools.dll together with software products not primarily targeted at software developers and whose primary purpose is not to develop software. This may be line-of-business applications that need to generate, update, or read EDMX data to fulfill some functional requirement.
  • Development tool license: allows redistribution of HuagatiEDMXTools.dll together with software products whose primary purpose is to assist software development. This may be a tool specifically for working with Entity Framework 4 EDMX files, such as a new model editor or EF model designer.
  • Source code license: Source code licenses includes the source code for the HuagatiEDMXTools runtime library. The source code can not be redistributed, and any libraries/assemblies based on or derived from it may only be distributed as part of another software product that is not substantially similar to or competitive with HuagatiEDMXTools. (It may however be used for products competitive with the Huagati DBML/EDMX Tools add-in.)

Pricing and additional details are available at http://huagati.com/dbmltools/

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